Wednesday 16 March 2016

PPP Presentation


PPP Presentation notes

1. Hello

2. positioning statement    

3. Level 4 & 5

Looked back at my previous 2 years at college and realised how much my designs have changed and developed.

First year enjoyed
Colour and type theory 
Learnt a lot about layout that I have put into practice and it has helped my publication design now
Only knew Photoshop when I first came to uni so got to grips with other programmes such as illustrator and InDesign

Second year
Started to enter competitions 
Started to use the print facilities more, learning how to do different processes

4. Logo

Here is some of my branding from last year, made a promotional pack

This year: began to develop my logo and decided I want to keep it black and white, as my work tends to have a lot of colour within it, and the black would go with everything.

Still want to devlop this logo further, Ive have had a few more ideas just need to develop them further

5. Personal Promotion

Start of this year I created my website, just so its easier to send to studios, a good platform to bring it all together. Still going to continue using Behance, Linkedn and other online sources

6. Cheese

The cheese society has been a good thing to watch my designs develop as well as organising events.

Us at our first event / screen printing tote bags for new members / events this year have been the eat and greet, happy birthday Cheesus Christ and the Ot-brie run
7. Dairy Disco

Dairy Disco is our next event / there’s two illustrators in first year that want to help out and eventually take over the cheese society next year / currently trying to do a gif of a DJ ing cow

8. Collaboration

Really enjoyed collaborating with different people and people that aren’t on graphics as they can help out with things I can’t do or do that well

9. COP

I really enjoyed COP / focused on print in the digital era

During COP I contacted a few studios and creatives for their opinion on print in the digital era

People I contacted / Ditto, OKIDO, RIOTTO, Colour May Vary and DR. ME

10. COP Publication

Good technique experiment, with foiling, letterpress and gradient screen-printing all processes that I am going to do again

11. Risotto

Just completed a week placement at Risotto studio in Glasgow a riso print and design studio / everything was printed on this laptop year that’s from the 90’s as they are more compatible with the printers

It was just me and the director of the company Gabriella Marcella

12. Risotto

Working at the Glue Factory in Glasgow, an old glue factory that has turned into studios for artist, from woodwork to illustration

Inside a riso printer / like screen printing but in a machine / create the artwork the same way you would as if you were screen-printing the artwork gets burnt onto the screens inside the printer and spits the prints out fast / bare in mind how the colours are going to mix on paper / printed a lot within the week from wedding invites to zines for college students

The poster I created / the £25 Club a poster that is going to be distributed around uni’s / getting students aware of riso printing and the effect it creates / tabs at the bottom for students to tear off

14. Jota

Another thing I worked on while on there is a new notebook range she is going to launch called jota

Gabriella wants it to be the equivalent of Moleskin, but something you add to and add to over and over

Making design decisions / base papers / 10 features / colour / front cover / red plastic spiral

15. Fluid

Next week going to work for a much larger agency called Fluid in Birmingham / worked for big brands such as Disney, mtv and one direction/ want to see the difference from working in a small agency / freelancing and the larger agency

16. Plan after college

don’t have much of a plan yet / apply for jobs that interest me / work at a few festivals helping them set up / would like to work for a design agency and freelance on the side, so I can eventually freelance full time/ want to move to Berlin for a year at some point / excited for the next chapter


Saturday 12 March 2016

Glasgow- Art Exibitons

Good Press

I went along to the launch of Nick Lynch's exhibition at Good Press in Glasgow, the night was interesting with protected videos and an overall good atmosphere. 

Glasgow Gallery of Modern Art

The Gallery of Modern Art was showcasing a range of photography, the exhibition 'ripples on a pond' was particularly interesting (my fav piece from exhibition above).

Ripples on the Pond is a Glasgow Museums’ collection exhibition and is designed as a conversation between works by women on paper and moving image. It takes as the starting point recent acquisitions from the Glasgow Women’s Library 21 Revolutions series, relating them to other works from collection and sparking questions about gender and media choice in relation to women’s practice and visibility.

Glue Factory Painting Exhibition 

Throughout my placement at Risotto at the Glue Factory there was a painting exhibition being set up from the students from Glasgow College of Art in the Glue Factory, so the last day I popped along, where the exhibition was set was a good set and it was refreshing to see such a wide variety of work. 

Risotto- Final prints on different stock

Excuse the bad quality of pictures off my phone! I will be taking some better quality pictures soon for my website. The images show the poster and the features on different stock experimenting with colour and weight of the stock. I am surprised how well the prink has come out on the pink paper and I think this has worked best making it more vibrant. I printed with fluro pink and green. The features look best on a natural stock and coloured which she is going to get a thicker stock to print them on. 

Friday 11 March 2016

Risotto- Printing

On the last day of placement the main focus was printing the designs that I had been developing throughout the week. I finished tweeking the poster and experimented with a variety of colour of variations, once I had choosen colours to work with and ones that overlay well, I then split the designs up into two layers, as the design shall be coloured in two colours. The design was split up as if I was going to screen print it. The same was done for the notebook features, final tweaking, colour development and splitting up the design into two layers. I printed them both on the riso printer for two colours, the designs for burnt onto the screen inside and printed various times on various types of stock to experiment with. Overal I am really happy with the designs I have produced, the poster works well and will hopefully get more students to use riso. I am really surprised with how well the yearly calander has come out as the type was so small, I printed these on a natural thick stock which I think has worked best, as you can see the grain through some of the inks.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Risotto- Design Development of Poster

While Gabriella was at a bank meeting I worked here for the morning, I worked at the wisky bond another creative space in Glasgow: 

(a poster Risotto created, displayed at whisky bond)

I was on the third floor 'hot desking' people pay a membership to come into here and work, mainly on creative projects. I was working on designing a new poster for Risotto advert in riso to students! This poster will get posted in various art institutions around the country. I started with some initial designs of eyes and got Gabriellas feedback, she liked it and realised the poster needed a name. After an hour or so brain storming names such as... 

student thursday
art prints
student deals
student edition
student stamp
poster prints
wednesday wave
poster pals
£25 club
perky prints
student stress
thursday twist
thursday thrill
fab prints
poster prints

we finally decided to go with £25 Club. 

We both felt this was a good name as it gets over the pricing straight away that isn't out of the students budget and what they can get for their money, 100 A3 prints 1 colour, and 50 A3 prints 2 colour. The design developed throughout the afternoon to be tweaked in the morning to be printed tomorrow afternoon!