Sunday 31 August 2014

LA Design Studio- Ludlow Kingsley

This is a graphic design company that I visited in LA California, unfortunately they couldn't speak to me as they were in a conference, I did get their card of the creative director. I do really like their work they have done especially some of their most recent work including the new designs for the grand central market in downtown LA. I will defiantly be checking there website to see who they are designing for in the future. 

Saturday 30 August 2014

Bangkok Design Studio- NONCITIZEN

Before I went traveling I contacted a few design companies and one that did get back to me was one in Bangkok Thailand. A design company called NON CITIZEN . I contacted them because I was interested in their web design mainly. They told me to come a visit. 
It took me three hours to find their design studio, google maps took me to the wrong place, after asking in a few hotels I got direct to take the sky train. I took the sky train and got lost many more times asked in a few coffee shops along the way. 
After three hours I finally found it, only to find it was shut down.

I asked the man next door and he informed me that they have been closed for months, I was so annoyed but there was nothing I could do, I couldn't ring them because I didn't have their number and its so expensive to ring from an british phone and I couldn't message them because I had no internet. I got the address off their website and surely if they did move they would of gave me their new address. There wasn't enough time to revisit them in my traveling schedule because I had so much to do/see. 

Unfortunately this was a bad experience but I am happy that I managed to talk to them via e-mail just such a shame I didn't get to see their studio.