Friday 29 May 2015

This is England '90

I have decided to enter the This is England '90 competition to create a 90's rave poster showing club culture of the 90's. 

Inspiration and entries

once you have entered the competition you have the chance to share your work, here are some peoples entries, I looked at these for inspiration too, along with pintrest, behance and many other websites. 

My Poster

For my poster I wanted to keep it bright with psychedelic 90's colours that really make your eyes pop. I wanted to relate to the 90's acid scene with the use of smiley faces and wavey pattern. I also related back to the 90's with the use of tecno type. 

Friday 22 May 2015


Today I had an interview with Unipol for the position of an publications assistant. In preparation for the interview I was given a small task.

As part of your interview you are asked to deliver a short presentation lasting no longer than 3 minutes on,

How would you promote the Unipol Code to a) students and b) landlords.  Provide at least one visual example.

I was very tight for time as the interview was on my deadline day. I created a pdf document illustrating how I would promote the codes through the use of an app. 


The idea: my idea to promote codes is to create an interactive app, where both students and landlords can log in. The app can do more than just tell you about the codes it could help you find a new house, write reviews, compare houses and prices.

Colour: colour could be used as a key for the different areas of the codes a way of breaking down the different areas. 

Type: I would used Avenir as it is a friendly type that suits all

Codes breakdown: I was inspired by the codes thumb to create these vectors. The vectors make it easier to understand each area of the codes. From left to right: rent liability, water charges , utility charges, identity and address, state of repair. 

The homepage: this would be the homepage. Allows you to select either student or landlord, you can log in using phone, email or username. 

Menu: sidebar menu allows you to click on each area of Unipol. My house would include all of the details about your current house. New house would include maps to help you search for a new house. Codes would help you understand the codes.

Codes: as you click on codes the main page would be 'know your codes' and then it would then take you through to a list of different areas within the codes, allowing you to select one of most interest. 

Codes: as you select on a code a selection of icons would appear again breaking the codes down into manageable sections. The colours represent each area. This is an example of 'prior to letting a property'. As you click on an icon a colourful page would appear with a code, giving you the code in a much more friendlier way. 

Here are just a couple more examples of the code pages and how it would work. Users would swipe through with an indicator at the bottom to what page they are on. 

The interview went well and the feedback I got from the people who interviews me is that they would of liked to have seem more emphasis on codes and they felt I extended the brief too far. 

Thursday 14 May 2015

SO&SO Humans of Leeds Exhibition

SO&SO Humans of Leeds Exhibition
SO&SO was created to celebrate the anonymous Human of Leeds photographer, who is devoted to capturing the lives of strangers, familiar faces and the unsung heros of our city.

The exhibition is housed in Lambert's Yard, the oldest timber framed dwelling in Leeds, successfully encapsulaying snapshots of the present day in a building that has seen over four hundred years of Leeds history.

The walls really spoke and you would see the image in a differently after reading about the person, a fascinating exhibition showing the variety of humans in Leeds.