Wednesday 29 January 2014


Why is networking good for ME personally?
To get my name known, for people to know who I am and to build a reputation. 

For what I may get out of it is it worth it?
Yes, it is totally worth it, if people didn't network we would all be nobodies. 

WHAT can I get out of this?
Contacts, networking makes you meet new people and it can also be very exciting gaining new contacts and getting known. 

Am I doing this simply because I am being asked to?
No I think it is a worth wile excise, I think I would start to do it anyway, everyone needs to network to gain new contacts and experiences.  

WHAT do I think that I am NOT doing as far as networking?
Talking to enough people in the industry, as Kate Moross says there is no barrier between you and the people you admire, talk to them, they are human. But I think what I do need to learn is how to talk to them and get a response. 

Do YOU think that in this kind communication, language is a major barrier?
I don't think language is a massive barrier at all, most of the worlds population can speak English and if they cant then there is always technology that can be used. 

Leeds Print Festival

This weekend I went to Leeds print festival opening night and the print talks on the sunday. It was nice to gain an in sight into the print peoples lives and the things they have done. The most interesting speaker I found was Mr. Bingo an illustrator from London, that has done various projects, but the one I found most interesting was the hate mail project he did, as more of a personal project. 

It started as a bit of a joke, one night he was drunk in his studio and sent a tweet saying that the first person to reply he would send them an abbusive postcard, he got about 50 replies in the first minute and Johnothan Hopkins got the first one, people seemed to love the hate mail and the abusiveness of the post cards, it became really popular on social networks such as Instagram and Twitter. To this day he has sent over 700 post cards to random strangers that message him saying he wants one. It has become so popular penguin have published it into a book with all his designs. I find it interesting how people like these abusive messages on the back of postcards, its such a unique idea. 

Monday 20 January 2014

Real Life is better than Graphic Design

Today I presented my 'real life is better than graphic design' presentation. I did it on my birthday 19th party as I themed it Pixar (as I am obsessed with all things pixar) , it was a lot of fun, I have realised how many new friends I have made in Leeds. 


my flat mates decorated the flat as the UP house with balloons on the celling awww

maddie and nessa, little bow peep and her sheep (toy story)

Ashley, Woody (toy story)

Mike Makowski (monsters inc)

 Matt, Rex (toy story) 

Daisy, Russel (UP)

Me, Buzz (toy story) lol

Anne, Dory (finding nemo)

Jordan, the pixar lamp (pixar)

Hollie, Walle (Walle) 

Charlotte, mrs incredible (the incredibles) 

Helen, weezy the penguin (Toy Story) 

The aftermath 

best party eva.