Wednesday 4 May 2016

Life after college- PR and Marketing Workshop

I went along to a marketing and PR workshop as myself and Hollie on Fashion Communication really want to develop our t-shirt brand 'Bootees' together after uni. We gained some useful knowledge about marketing, how to get the product out there and what we need to know about the brand before moving forward. 

Your brand, your story 

  • embodies the core values of the organisation
  • says what makes you unique (USP) 
  • is consistent at every touchpoint
  • is instantly recogniseable
  • embodies the customers expectations and beliefs about you 
Building a marketing approach 

Marketing the 4P's


Extra 3 (7P's)


Step one

Understand your produce, your competition your target audience


The full product process- quaility, design, packaging, customer service, aftersales

What problem will this product solve or what emotional feeling will it generate?

What are the features and benifits of the product? 

Your Competition 

Identify people or businesses that are your role models 

  • what are their services or products? 
  • what is their price range
  • what are the materials or tecniques?
  • are there specific themes or values that are important to them? 
  • why and how do they do business thats different and meks them stand out? 
  • why do people buy them?
  • where do they sell?
  • what do they do well?
  • what can you do better? 
  • what can you learn from them? 
Identify your target market 

what is their lifestyle like? 

Step 2 

Set your marketing objectives- what do you want to achieve? 

As a new designer or crafts person/ new business person its recomended by the design trust that you spend around:

40% of your time marketing 
50% on making/ creating and 10% on admin 

Step 3 

Selling your offer- clarify your key messages and your position in the market 

Consider the features and benifits of your product/ service

Step 4 

Establish your pricing structure 


What did it cost to make/ develop? How much contribution do you need? 
What is the competition charging? 
Keep labour costs down 

How do I calculate my price if offering a service and not a product? 
  • what experience you need for the job and how unque your skill set is
  • there the work is e.g. London pays higher hourly rates
  • how long the work is for if the work is for a londger period then often the daily rate goes down
  • the market rate
  • your ability to negotiate 
Step 5 

Place- Identify where you want to sell 

Where can customers purchase your products? 

Trade fairs 
Independent fairs/ markets 

Step 6 

Plan and deliver your marketing 

Promotional mix, networking, timings, action plans 

Which tools to use? 

Ask yourself: 
  • what do you want to achieve?
  • what does the target audience need?
  • what is the best way of reaching them?
  • what resources do I have? 

  • print
  • direct mail
  • PR
  • Advertising 
  • sales promotion 
  • digital 
  • promotional material 
  • distribustion 
  • underpinned by strong imagry 
Social Media 

Facebook, twitter, Linkedin, Pintrest, Instagram, Tumblr and blogging 

Newtworking and building relationships 

'successful selling is all about creating succesful relationships' 

The action plan
  • what 
  • when
  • who 
  • budgets 
Step 7 

Evaluating your impact- what works?

How might you measure success?
  • sales
  • data capture- numbers on database
  • media coverage
  • campaigns
  • google analytics
  • Mailchimp
  • tweet reach 
  • Facebook insites- share, reach 

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