Friday 20 May 2016

Life after college- Be your own boss

I have just applied to take part in the summer week long workshop to 'Be your Own Boss' this is a workshop that I would like to do with Hollie Webb a fashion communication student working on a screen printing t-shirt brand 'Bootees' that we would like to expand further into the real world after uni. The workshop will give us valuable marketing advise from professionals and help us learn more about the business side of things to develop the brand. 

The plan for the week: 

What’s your big idea? Confidence building and pitching your idea – Part 1            
Monday 15 August 9.30-12.30
This is your chance to tell other people about your business idea.  In this workshop and throughout the week, you will learn how to improve your presentation skills, so that on Friday afternoon you can deliver a polished pitch in the competition to win one of three prizes worth £500 or £250 of business mentoring.  Rick will give you the confidence and techniques you need to present yourself to an audience in any situation. 
master practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming.
What does it mean to be a creative entrepreneur? 
Monday 15 August 1.15 – 4.15
Keith Evans will facilitate this session, covering what it means to be a creative entrepreneur. Keith will address how to ensure that business skills promote your work while you remain in control. The workshop will help you to clarify your business vision, identify your values and embed these into your creative practice. Practical activities will focus on choosing the best business model for your idea, articulating your USP and developing empathy with your customers.
Is your idea viable?                     
Tuesday 16 August 9.30 – 4.15
Do you have an initial idea for your business or becoming self-employed? Need to know how to develop that into a tangible business proposition? The facilitator Anamaria Wills will lead you through a process of checking how realistic your ideas are and will help you to develop new ones, assess the market potential and create a framework business plan. The session will use COSTAR, which is an innovation tool that helps to identify opportunities, communicate your idea to others and collaborate to build expertise.
Managing your Money                   
Wednesday 17 August 9.30-12.30
Keith Evans will go through everything you need to know about cash flow, the amount of finance you need to start your business, where you get it and how to manage it to ensure you can do the work. Keith will also address the topics of managing your personal and professional accounts, costing, pricing and creating your own cash flow.
Wednesday 17 August 1.15 - 4.15
This session will focus on what self-employment means and how to register. You will learn about key business terminology, record keeping, tax and national insurance and explore strategies about managing your money.
Practise Pitching - Pizza and beer will be provided 
Wednesday 17 August 5.00 -7.00pm 
Rick Ferguson will help you develop your elevator pitch, prior to your presentation to senior directors on the Friday afternoon. Rick will help you to start with an impressive opener, gain rapport, use pauses effectively, eradicate bad habits and structure your pitch using memorable strategies. As a result of the evening’s training, your physical stance, voice projection, eye contact and performance will be enhanced and ready to practise your presentation on Friday morning before your pitch.
Everything Legal     
Thursday 18 August 9.30 – 12.30 
Keith Arrowsmith will help you choose the most appropriate legal structure for your business and understand the relevant registration and reporting requirements. He will address the issues surrounding your legal responsibilities, give you an understanding of Intellectual Property Rights and address the need for organisational policies and procedures.
Marketing and PR  
Thursday 18 August 1.15 – 4.15
If you are considering working for yourself once you have completed your course there are a lot of areas to consider. Marketing yourself, your idea or product well is essential to ensuring that you reach the right market with the right communication channels. This workshop is for people with worked up ideas about what they want to sell (a tangible product or your skills,) as well as people just interested in gaining a grounding in what to consider once they have pinned down their concept.
It will explore
  • How to identify your target market
  • How to research your market and understand their needs
  • How to use the 4P’s of marketing (Product, Price, Place and Promotion) as a framework to creating a marketing plan
  • The importance of using the right promotional mix for your market (e.g. branding, print, digital, advertising, PR)
Pitching your idea Part 2                 
Friday 19 August 9.30 – 12.30  
Pitch your idea to the Senior Management Team and win £500 of mentoring and business support. You will give a five minute elevator pitch then answer questions posed by the panel. The Award winners will be announced before the end of the programme.
Principal’s Enterprise Award            
Friday 19 August 1.30 – 4.00 
Pitch your idea to the Senior Management Team and win £500 of mentoring and business support. You will give a five minute elevator pitch then answer questions posed by the panel. The Award winners will be announced before the end of the programme.

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